Mission-driven company
Do you know the legend of the hummingbird as told by Pierre Rahbi?
One day, there was a huge forest fire and all the dismayed animals watched the disaster helplessly. Only the little hummingbird was active, fetching drops of water with its beak to throw them on the fire After a while, the armadillo, annoyed by this ridiculous agitation, said to him: “Aren't you crazy? the hummingbird replied: “I know, but I’m doing my part.”
One day, there was a huge forest fire and all the dismayed animals watched the disaster helplessly. Only the little hummingbird was active, fetching drops of water with its beak to throw them on the fire After a while, the armadillo, annoyed by this ridiculous agitation, said to him: “Aren't you crazy? the hummingbird replied: “I know, but I’m doing my part.”

At SeeOnSea, we are convinced not only that preservation rhymes with action, but also and above all that everyone can do their part to protect biodiversity
A company with a mission, we do everything we can to:
- Raising citizens' environmental awareness,
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- Encourage a respectful and caring curiosity about biodiversity.

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Our values
Think about well-being, act concretely
- Well-being at work is not a figment of the imagination at SeeOnSea but a priority and a very concrete reality,
- This is why we have set up an organization favoring teleworking and collaborative tools so that all our employees work in a flexible and inclusive manner.
Give everyone a chance
- At SeeOnSea, we believe everyone is worth it,
- We do not display the average age of our employees because it does not reflect the reality of our teams,
- Come as you are, as long as you are ready to do your part and share our values and our mission.

Stay agile and awake
- In the world we live in, there is no longer room for blinders,
- We are committed to cultivating agility, both in the way we design our solutions and in our management, to promote openness to the world and to develop lifelong learning.